Carolinas Telco Federal Credit Union (CTFCU) now participates in the Visa® Account Updater (VAU) service. Your CTFCU credit and debit cards are automatically enrolled in this service, at no additional cost to you.
Sometimes, recurring payments are wrongfully declined for various reasons. Often essential card information (ex. addresses, card numbers, expiration date, etc.) changes but is not updated with a merchant, causing a scheduled payment to be rejected. With the VAU service, Visa will periodically communicate information on your new card to participating merchants (you authorized to charge your card on a recurring basis) to ensure that automatic payments continue as scheduled. Participating in the VAU service does not relieve you of the obligation to update your account information with merchants.
New card information will be sent to the merchant if:
- The card is a standard reissue due to approaching expiration date (same number with extended expiration date).
- When the reissued card is activated, an updated expiration date will be sent to the network (unless you opt- out). Visa only receives reissued card records.
New card information will not be sent to the merchant if:
- The card is new (never issued or used previously).
- The card is flagged as lost, stolen, or restricted.
- The card is opted-out of the service per your request.
A declined payment could still result if you fail to provide your up-to-date card information to a merchant with whom you have recurring payments. Neither CTFCU nor Visa is responsible for declined payments resulting from out-of-date payment information. You may opt out of the VAU service at any time by completing the electronic form below or by calling 800-622-5305.
Opt Out Request Form
A separate form must be completed for each card being opted-out